Sunday, July 28, 2019

First Week in El Campo!

Zach arrived in the mission field! We received this brief email on July 22. We found the photos on the mission group homepage.

Hola everyone!

So I barely have any time to email but I thought I´d send a quick group one. My first area is a part of puebla that I don´t know how to pronounce so I´m not even gonna try to spell it but it´s in the city in a part called Arboleda or something like that. Also my first companion is from Guatemala and only speaks spanish so I´m probably not gonna speak any English for at least the next 6 weeks but hopefully that means I just won´t speak it at all anymore for the next two years haha. I hope everything´s going well with you guys!

Sorry no pictures but I´ll send some next week for sure!
Elder Olivier

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