Friday, July 19, 2019

La Ultima Semana del CCM

We received this email from Elder Olivier on July 17:

¡Hola Everyone!

So this our last week in el Centro de Capacitación de Misionero de México! On Monday we take a bus down to Puebla at 4 am and then we´ll probably never be able to speak English again so that's pretty cool. Not a ton of super exciting stuff happened this week but it also seemed to go by pretty quick.

As far as the language is going I think we´ve pretty much reached maximum language capabilities that you can reach in the CCM. We´ve learned all the tenses and everything so we pretty much just need to practice speaking with the Latinos more.

Speaking of the Latinos, I think it must be some cultural thing in Mexico to not care about any racial slurs at all because as we´re learning we´re realizing that there´s a lot of things they just say pretty casually that would probably make the average american´s ears bleed lol. We keep trying to tell them that those things aren´t ok to say, but as Elder Sterner says, we probably don't have the pass to tell them that they don´t have the pass. They also take pretty much everything casually even if it´s normally something really sensitive and serious, which is kind of weird when we´re teaching lessons to people and trying to be super sensitive about certain topics. Turns out most of them really don´t care at all and they just kinda tell you everything casually. If you they have a problem with you they just kinda tell you that too haha. Maybe that's why I got sent here because I do tend to put my foot in my mouth quite a bit haha. Down here everyone kinda does that but it never makes anyone uncomfortable at all. But yeah that might take a while to get used to, they're just really straightforward and open people, but also very hard workers. I think I´ll definitely grow to love it though.

I also started picked up the piano again this week which was fun because I didn't really play at all while I was at BYU last year. It was pretty fun because I made an arrangement of an arrangement I knew of I Believe in Christ, but mixed it with I Need Thee Every Hour. That was a cool experience for me because playing that arrangement has always been one of my favorite ways to bear my testimony of our Savior, but it was cool to add to it as well. The lyrics of the last lines of I Need Thee Every Hour are "I need thee, oh I need thee. Every hour I need thee. Oh bless me now my Savior, I come to thee." I really like I Believe in Christ because it's a strong testimony of the Savior and really who he is and what he did for us. The lines in I Need Thee Every Hour add more of an action to the lyrics, and then the song finishes again with the last lyrics of the first song, "With him I'll stand in that great day When on this earth he comes again To rule among the sons of men." I don't know how much sense that made but yeah I might send a recording to you guys cause I really like how it turned out.

Elder Wilson also shared some thoughts with us from 2 Nephi 4. That's a really cool chapter in the Book of Mormon and you all should read it. In the chapter, Nephi is talking about how he is trying to overcome his weakness through Christ. I especially like verses 17-31. Verse 31, probably my favorite says, "Oh Lord, wild thou redeem my soul? Wilt thou deliver me out of the hands of mine enemies? Wilt thou make me that I may shake at the appearance of sin?"

Hope you guys are doing great and everything!
Also hope no one got offended by the cultural thing but that´s really just how it be down here.

Love you all!
Elder Olivier

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