Sunday, July 14, 2019

Elder Olivier Arrived Safely to the Mexico MTC (CCM)!

Elder Olivier had his missionary farewell and open house on June 9, then was set apart as a missionary in our home by President Clark Maxwell, 1st Counselor in the Valley Forge Pennsylvania Stake. He was originally booked on a flight from Philadelphia to Mexico City via Dallas Fort Worth on the early morning of June 11, 2019, but shortly after he was set apart, we found out his flight from Philadelphia to Dallas was cancelled. A phone call to Salt Lake missionary travel emergency line and he was booked on an even earlier 5 am flight. As a result, mom and Elder Olivier did not get any sleep the night before as we had to leave for the airport at 2:30 am. We got to the airport so early the check in lines weren't even open. Needless to say, we loved being there for Zach to wish him well on his mission and were happy when we received this simple email from him later that afternoon.

The following message was received on June 11:

Hey mom!

I just made it to the MTC and I´m getting all settled in. The flight went really smoothly and I found some other missionaries.


Family photo following farewell Sacrament Meeting

Open House

  Zach and cousin Tyler

Zach and school friends

 Airport farewell waiting for baggage check to open

At the airport before saying goodbye

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