Sunday, July 14, 2019

So we´re basically fluent now

We received this email from Elder Olivier on June 26:

Hey everyone!!

So week two went by super fast and I honestly have no idea what happened this week and what happened last week or the week before cause it´s all kinda just been blurred into one big event. I guess since we´re so busy all the time there´s not really any good way to tell the difference between the days cause a lot of them are similar but also pretty different. It´s been fun though and we´ve been learning a ton. But yeah I might repeat some of the stuff I said last week so if I do that then you´re just gonna have to read it twice cause I only have a limited time every Wednesday haha. Lo siento. 

So Elder Wilson, Elder Sterner, and I are in a trio now and the only Elders in our district. We also got asked to teach the first lesson in Spanish to the President of the CCM, President Olsen, on video every friday. After we teach it he plays back to video to us so we can see everything we did wrong. Not gonna lie it was pretty intimidating at first cause President Olsen is this old white guy that speaks fluent Spanish and kinda looks he´s always thinking about everything you´re doing wrong. But he´s actually just a really nice guy that wears high waters, so not actually that intimidating. It´s gonna be a really cool experience cause he definitely has a lot to teach us and it´s probably the quickest way we´ve learned so far. Hopefully we do better this Friday cause last Friday was interesting haha. Also if we end up in some missionary training video I apologize cause we kinda winged the first lesson and we don´t really know Spanish that well haha. Except for Elder Wilson. Somehow he was just born fluent. El don de lenguas I guess. 

So yeah that was fun and all but then on Saturday (I think) we started really getting into Spanish grammar. Spanish grammar has always been pretty difficult for me to understand cause it might be the one thing in Spanish that´s way harder than English. But I had a breakthrough and realized that the perfect and progressive tenses don´t actually exist. It´s just the word Haber and Estar with a ando/endo/iendo or ado/ido at the end of the verb. So yeah we´re basically fluent now. Not actually but the tenses are a lot easier to differentiate now. It definitely helps to be speaking it all the time too. It´s also fun to find funny words to practice my grammar with. Like I told Hermano Mun yesterday that Elder Wilson estaba coqueteando con las hermanas ayer en el comedor and that I´m gonna tell President Olsen next friday if he doesn´t repent. Hermano Mun is pretty funny and likes to play along with it haha. 

We´ve had a ton of cool spiritual experiences too. Jeffrey R. Holland spoke at the devotional on sunday but it was only a broadcast cause he was in the Provo MTC. America gets all the cool stuff I guess. They had the entire 12 presiding there too so that was pretty cool. But it´s ok I´m not bitter Mexico City is better in every way. But yeah Jeffrey R. Holland talked about how Christ is at the center of everything we do and how our lives will be much better when we remember that. When we focus on Christ and his atonement everything will be better. He talked about 2 Nephi 31 if anyone wants to read that. But also chapters 31 to the end are actually all super cool though so that´s cool too. I really like Nephi´s last words at the end of 2 Nephi cause they´re super powerful. But yeah basically everything here is super spiritual. 

I love you all!!
Elder Olivier

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