Sunday, July 14, 2019


We received the following email from Elder Olivier on July 10:


I highly recommend that all women, children, or anyone with a weak stomach not read the following paragraph. It is even written in white so that you have to highlight it if you want to read it at all. That being said, for those that will read it, ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seat belts.

There are several places throughout the human body in which it is unnatural for water to exit. In most cases, the body is great at adaptation and can respond to its needs and environment. These adaptations fail, however, when the water that is leaving the body isn’t actually water, but literal gasoline. In addition, the gasoline is being expelled at high speeds and frequencies that even tens of thousands of years of human evolution could never prepare for, while being accompanied by sand, salsa, and possibly blood. After a full day of this one can experience painful chafing, stomach aches, and straight up hellfire and brimstone lined along the entire large intestine and completely surrounding it’s exit. A second day can lead the victim to question what it was ever like to have a normal bowel movement. Trips to the bathroom can become as repetitive as every 20 minutes for what can seem like an eternity. The victim at this point is likely begging for a headache because it might at least numb the pain. Any attempts at the usage of over the counter medication will fail. (They were all tested in a moderately controlled environment) If what I’ve just described matches something you’ve experienced, see a doctor immediately, you have a parasite. If you didn’t come to that conclusion on your own, maybe see a second doctor as well.

So yeah that was pretty rough. For those of you that didn’t read that, I found out that my sickness last from week was actually a parasite. I kinda told everyone I was better and everything so no that one (that’s you mom) would think I’m dying. But the good news is that one; I found a new source of renewable but definitely not clean source of energy, and two; the parasite is now dead because I went to the doctor and he fed me some killer juice.

Elder Olivier: 1 - Parasite: 0

Anyways, that story was mostly to be funny so hopefully you took it that way and if not I did warn you so that’s kinda your fault. But my week has actually been super great and the bad stuff made for a fantastic story and now it’s super funny.

We went to the temple today! It´s actually 45 minutes away from the CCM so we only get to go once while we´re here but it was super cool. It was the first time I´ve gone through in a different language so that was cool. They gave all the people translators but I tried to mostly listen to it in Spanish. The Mexico City Temple is actually super cool because it´s made to look like the ancient Mayan temples in Mexico so it actually looks a lot like those Book of Mormon paintings with Christ visiting the Nephites on the Mayan temples. We also got these cool sock ties.

We had a ton of spiritual experiences this week and I´m not sure if I´ll be able to get them all down so I´ll try to summarize. We had a cool experience where we talked to a member of the local ward and she told us her conversion story which was really cool. It kinda boosted my confidence with my Spanish because I didn´t understand everything she said but I got all the main points from her story and it was super cool. When we shared our experiences and why we believe in Christ and everything she didn´t look at me like I was really dumb so that´s a big step.

We also had a ton of people talking about how the mission, and life in general, isn´t really about us. It´s about the people we serve. In everything the Savior did he never once looked inward, only outward, even when it seemed impossible. After he was suffering for the sins and weaknesses of the world in Gethsemane he was immediately arrested and taken to the cross. It would´ve been easy to complain and look inward and focus on all of his issues, but the Savior didn´t even get close to doing that. When Peter tried to protect him and attacked the guard that was trying to arrest him, Christ immediately healed the guard. That´s only one example, and there´s a ton more. But I bear witness to everyone that when we turn outward and serve the people around us like Christ did, our weaknesses and trials become much smaller and we become much happier. I can especially testify to that after this week. I know Christ lives and through him all of our weaknesses can be made strong.

I hope you all are doing great with everything you´re doing! Also I´d love to hear updates from everyone on their lives! I promise I read them all but sometimes I don´t always have enough time to respond to everyone individually because we have a limited time every week.

I love you all!

Elder Olivier

 Mexico City Temple!

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