Sunday, October 20, 2019

El Rey de San Ramón y Encontrar Azumiatla

We received the following email on October 14.

Que tal muchachos,

This week was a little rated R in some ways so for the first time ever imma filter my email a little bit and not tell you half the stuff that happened.

On the cool stuff that happened we found this really cool part of our area called Azumiatla that I´m pretty sure has never been visited by missionaries ever. So they´ve also never seen white people before. People come up to me and ask a ton of questions and think it´s super cool that my skin is a different color haha. It´s this cool pueblote on the other side of the hills in our area and it´s a super pretty area. It´s really hilly and covered in houses and tiendas and donkeys and horses and people that speak Mayan. So yeah it was pretty much like finding a jungle temple in Minecraft but in real life. Like we knew some people lived over there but dang there´s a ton of people over there. They´re super nice too. Elder Hawkins and Elder Moyano found a family of 18 that wants to listen to us and Cifuentes and I found a ton of little families that are super nice. I also met someone that has lived in Brooklyn, New York so that was kinda cool. I talked to her about New York and her family for like an hour and it was super fun. So yeah I think the people drought is over and now hopefully we can have some more success.

Also cambios came and I´m the only one staying in San Ramón so now I´m the king of the area. Kinda sad that everyone had to go. Elder Hawkins went back home because he finished his mission, Elder Moyano went to Washington D.C. because he got his visa, and Elder Cifuentes got transferred to Atlixco. My new companion´s name is Elder DeMaso and he´s from Sacramento, California and he seems pretty cool. I haven´t met the other two people in my apartment but I probably will pretty soon.

That was pretty much everything not rated R that happened. If anyone wants to know the crazy stuff that happened feel free to ask and I´ll consider telling you haha.

I love you guys!
Elder Olivier

1. Equipo de San Ramón
2. Me in front of a cool chicken in Azumiatla
3. Azumiatla
4. A video of me trying a cricket in Azumiatla (they´re actually not that bad when you get used to them but the video was my first time trying haha)

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