Monday, November 11, 2019

¿Que Genial Eh?

We received the following email on October 28.

Que tal vatos,

Sorry for not sending an email last week I know you all missed that a lot and probably cried a little bit. I was kinda busy last monday with the doble dragon again. I think I´ve talked about that before but that´s when you breath fire out of both ends of your body at the same time. So yeah that was fun and I didn´t sleep that much that night. The next day we went to the doctor and he had no idea what was wrong with me cause I´ve already been out here for 4 months now and I´m already adjusted to the food. But whatever it was I´m fine now and everything´s back to normal except for the toilet but that´s always messed up so nothing new there.

But yeah my new comp is Elder DeMaso and he´s pretty cool. We get along super well which is nice. Pretty much our entire zone changed as well so now the zone of missionaries that I´m in is majority from the U.S. so that´s kinda weird and I´m not really sure about it but it´s cool. Now when we walk around together with people from our zone people think we´re tourists and try to talk to us in English. I refuse to respond in English to them though and they´re usually pretty confused or disappointed or impressed or something along those lines that I know their language.

The work was a little rough this week and no one really wants to help us with anything but it´s cool and we´re pushing forward.

That´s pretty much it for the week though, sorry if that was kinda lame. Hopefully this week will be more exciting and I hope you´re all doing fantastic.

Elder Olivier


1. Me in Azumiatla
2. Elder DeMaso in Azumiatla preaching the gospel to the only people we could find who would listen(jk that´s a joke)

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