Sunday, October 20, 2019

President Nelson really just announced the second coming

We received the following email on October 7.

For those of you who are also members of the church and watched conference, you've probably heard all the chismes going around about how President Nelson just announced the second coming. I don't really wanna pick a side or anything but President Oaks also said not to read between the lines which a lot of you guys are doing haha. So if Jesus doesn't come in 6 months y'all just overreacted. Sorry in advance to those of you buying property in Missouri. But who knows, maybe that is what he was talking about.

Conference was awesome though and for those of you who didn't watch it you definitely should. If you look up October LDS General Conference 2019 on youtube you should be able to find it. Some of it might not all be online quite yet though, but hopefully soon if not. I really liked Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk a lot.

This is the last week of the transfer(transfers last every six weeks in the mission) and it's pretty much certain that all 3 other missionaries besides me will get transferred to a different area or go home on Monday. I'm kinda sad about that cause they're all pretty cool but I'm happy that I'm probably gonna stay in San Ramón. The people here are super cool. It's been getting increasingly hard to find people to teach but we're still trying.

We went to this place called Africam Safari today which is this huge African Safari that some millionare built a while back so that was pretty cool. We have some pictures but not all of them so maybe I'll send some more next week.

Anyways I hope you all are doing great!

Elder Olivier

1. Me holding a bird that I captured and don't still have
2. The whole zone at the africam safari
3. Me with an Emu
4. Me and Cifuentes on the rock where they filmed The Lion King (animated and live-action)
5. Elder Cifuentes upset because all the Kangaroos we're sleeping and it wasn't their p-day

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