Sunday, October 20, 2019

Tú eres guapísimo

We received the following email on September 30.

I had my first dream in spanish a few days ago which was pretty cool. It was kind of a weird dream about how my roommate killed someone and got sent home por asesino and I woke up super confused but then realized that it was in spanish and was pretty stoked. I've heard that means I'm fluent or something but there's still a lot I don't know so I don't know how good of a measurement that really is.

Also for those of you that read Elder Sterner's emails you probably know that if you're a white person living in Mexico you get a lot of people tell you that you're really good looking all the time, which boosts my self esteem maybe a little too much. But yeah so we have this 40 year old neighbor that is really in love with Elder Hawkins and I and talks to us a bunch about it. A few days ago she told us un buen de vainas like "Tú eres guapísimo", "A mi me gusta los americanos", y "Ustedes son tentaciones." So yeah we've been running into her way more often now and now we're scared.

Also I've been getting a few emails from people about how they bible bashed with someone so I guess that's the cool thing to do so here's a story:

There's this guy we met on the street like a month ago and he asked us a few questions about our church and asked to meet with us so that was cool. But then we found his name in our teaching records from the last missionaries in the area and they were like "avoid this guy he's crazy and just wants to fight us." So we confirmed the appointment. Probably not the right choice but it happens. But then the guy kept pushing off the appointment and we kinda gave up on him until we ran into him on the streets two weeks ago. We met with him that night and it was pretty insane. He just started attacking us with a ton of questions trying to prove to us that our church was wrong, and the guy came prepared with verses from the Book of Mormon and stories from church history. So we think this guy was preparing to fight us for that whole month, and we didn't prepare at all. I also probably shouldn't be proud of this, but we completely destroyed him haha. It honestly would've gone on for a lot longer but we cut it short and told him that there were people that actually wanna hear our message and that he was wasting our time.

We've been teaching people too but it's been a little slower later which is sad. Maybe we're paying for our sins when we wasted our time with that guy haha. But hopefully it'll pick up again soon.

Love you guys and hope youre all doing great!
Elder Olivier

1. Zone conference with some ties we all handmade (not as good as Laura's though)
2. Most of our district in the ferris wheel in Puebla.
3. The Elders in our district in front of the ferris wheel.

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