Sunday, August 25, 2019

Trying to be like Jesus

We received the following email on August 19.

A lot of you guys probably thought this was gonna be a super spiritual email cause of the title but we´re actually just teaching a guy named Jesus. Elder Cifuentes thinks it´s really funny that Jesus isn´t a common name in English so he makes a bunch of jokes about it. That might be a little culturally insensitive and possibly sacreligious too but it´s also pretty funny. Also he kinda has the pass in both categories.

So we taught our messiah twice this week, once on Wednesday and once yesterday, and he is seriously one of the most incredible people i have ever met. We first met this guy about a month ago and he was struggling a ton with a bunch of stuff in his life. He got introduced to the church through a friend and he started reading the Book of Mormon on his phone and started coming to church every week. When we started teaching him we found out that he was almost done with the Book of Mormon, he read it for an hour every day, and had a crazy strong testimony. He talks to us for about 2 hours every time we listen to him cause he won´t let us leave cause he´s too excited to learn about everything and tell us everything he´s been reading about. Now he´s one of the happiest people I´ve ever met. I´ve never seen someone go from absolute rock bottom to that happy in that short of a time. It´s really incredible how much the gospel of Jesus Christ can turn people´s lives around.

A ton of stuff has happened this week but I can´t really fit it all in a reasonably sized email, so I´ll try to summarize the best I can. The family of 5 we´re teaching is progressing really well but we´re still waiting for the dad to sign off on the baptism so we don´t know exactly when that´ll be. But hopefully it´ll be soon, we´re not super worried about them. We found a bunch of new people to teach, if that´s even possible. So now we have like 10 people that are progressing that we barely have any time to teach so we might have to start calling some ward missionaries or something soon.

We also went to el Centro de Puebla today to do some sightseeing with the zone. I took a bunch of pictures but then my camera got stolen at the end so I lost them all. We still have a ton on our phone though, but we´re waiting on the other people in our zone to send the group pictures.

I was reading in Moroni this week in the Book of Mormon and I really liked the last part when he talks about being perfected in Christ. It´s pretty cool cause this is the same guy that was scared to write the last few chapters in the Book of Mormon because of his imperfections. This same guy´s last words, the words that he risked his life and possibly gave up his life to write, testified that if we come unto Christ we can be perfected in him. It´s pretty cool that we really can overcome all of our weaknesses through Him.

I hope you guys are all doing great!
Elder Olivier

Fotos in no particular order -
A ton of pictures in el centro de Puebla
Me eating Chiles en Nogada (some pretty expensive Pueblan dish that some family just casually fed us)
Pictures of us with Hermana Nielson and Hermana Zumaeta
Us eating at the nicest McDonalds I´ve ever eaten at in my life

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