Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Entrevistas y Smartphones!

We received the following email on August 12.

So here´s my one complaint of the city of Puebla and pretty much my entire mission so far:
The roads have a ton of pot holes, which I don´t really mind. But when the roads are covered in natural speed bumps, why would you add more artificial ones? I´d really like to talk to the person who made that decision.

But yeah other than that, it´s been great. Not a lot happened this week because we had a ton of meetings and didn´t have a lot of time to visit the 21353645 people that we´re trying to visit everyday. It´s great that we have so many people to teach and everything but it´s really hard to find the time to teach/find everyone.

It also just got way easier to find everyone though cause we just got smartphones! So now we can finally use google maps and instead of walking around for 3 hours trying to find one person, we only spend one hour completely abusing the power of the smartphones and watching every single video in gosepl library with the people we´re teaching! (including the 20 minute first vision video (Elder Cifuentes was really excited to use the videos but don´t worry the investigator was even more excited and wants to be baptized as soon as possible haha))

But yeah we also had interviews with the president this week, a meeting with all the new missionaries and their trainers, and our weekly district meeting so not really a ton to talk about. All of the people we´re teaching are doing great and most of them have been coming to church and everything so that´s cool. My spanish is pretty off and on, sometimes I´m basically fluent and sometimes I´m the equivalent of a 3 year old but it´s cool.

I hope you all are doing great!
Elder Olivier

Also enjoy three pictures where Elder Cifuentes and I are doing the exact same pose except one with me holding a banana. Also I´m gonna try to get some pictures of the actual city for next week cause it is really cool but we don´t usually have a ton of time.

1. At interviews and getting our smartphones
2. Cifuentes and I with Hermana Nielson and Hermana Zumaeta (the sisters in the area next to us)
3. Cifuentes and I with Ximena, the daughter of one of our recent converts who´s birthday is one away from the best birthday in the world

and another one with all the missionaries in my generation

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