Sunday, September 8, 2019


We received the following email on September 2.

So first off, if you haven´t read the Book of Mormon, read it. If you´ve read it, read it again. If you´ve read it a million times and marked every verse, written in every margin, and cross-referenced every reference to Christ to every other evidence of him on the planet, read it again. Read it starting with the title page, introduction, and witnesses and ending with the last page of Moroni. If you don't have a copy, email me and I'll get one to you. I've only been out in the field for about a month, but I've already seen so many people completely change their lives just from reading the Book of Mormon. It's also the only real way to know whether or not this church is true. And it is true. I bear witness of that. It will drastically improve your life.

Also the members of our ward continue to be amazing and help us find people and teach people and be literally best friends with our investigators. Sometimes I wonder why we even need to be here cause the members already do so much on their own. They're actually some of the nicest, most loving people I've ever met. I realized that it's probably because the church here combines two of the most loving cultures on the planet. So yeah it's pretty cool.

Also we're going to have 5 baptisms on Saturday! We're actually baptizing a family and they're super awesome and have a ton of faith. They come to church with notebooks and scripture marking tools and take a ton of notes. They're super cool too and some of our best friends. They also take notes during our lessons which is super awesome and kinda scary.

A few days ago we found out that we're getting two more elders in our apartment and area which is super cool cause we have a ton of work here and now they can help us with it. They're actually coming in about 10 minutes so I can let you know how it goes next week haha. Also today someone at the mall asked me if I was interested in taking English classes and she was super embarassed when I told her I already know English. Not sure why she asked the only white blonde kid in Mexico, but I'll take it as a compliment I guess haha.

Anyways we don't have a ton of time so I hope you're all doing great!
Elder Olivier

1. El bautismo de Jesus
2. Eating some super good street tacos and cemitas
3. A cemita, basically a taco but with a hamburger bun instead of a tortilla, native to Puebla and super rico
4. Some fruta de nepal, cactus fruit

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