Monday, September 16, 2019

Thanks for the Ties Laura

We received the following email on September 16.

Elder Wilson your girlfriend is amazing she actually sent us ties haha. Also for anyone who would also like some ties handmade by Laura follow @lauradanielsdesigns on Instagram. Also don't worry Elder Sterner I'll get you your tie once I find out how to get it out to the wilderness of Ignacio Majia.

A lot happened this week but it was a little harder to find and teach people cause of Mexican Independence Day and everyone going out of town or absolutely insane. But we went to a lot of ward parties so that was fun.

President Alcala took everyone who got 5 or more baptisms in one month out to eat at some super fancy Brazilian restaurant and to el Centro again. That was actually a super cool experience cause almost all of the missionaries that went to that had been to one before in their mission multiple times. So it was cool to try and figure out how I can be more like them and be more successful.

Eduardo, one of our recent investigators, got the priesthood yesterday. That was pretty cool.

Today for p-Day we went to some park and did a ton of fun stuff and I got super sun burned for the 99th time. Now the kids are gonna ask me por que estoy rojo again.

Someone asked me why I decided to serve a mission yesterday and that was actually one of the first time someone's asked me that. I told her that I know this church is true and that this gospel has completely changed my life. Sometimes we have challenges in our lives that seem pretty impossible to overcome, and I've had a few of those in my life. The crazy thing is that there really is nothing that you can't overcome through Jesus Christ. You can suffer absolutely everything there is to suffer in life but Christ's atonement is always bigger. Christ has already suffered every single pain, sickness, infirmity, and temptation that we can and ever will suffer. If we let him into our lives we can overcome our challenges, and we can overcome them so much that we can turn our weaknesses into strengths and have joy. That's why I served a mission. Because there are people out there that have those weaknesses that can only overcome them through Christ.

So yeah I hope you all are doing great with everything!
Elder Olivier

1. Us riding some bikes for p-Day
2. All the elders of San Ramón in some boats for p-Day
3. Elder Cifuentes and I with some other missionaries en el centro
4. El centro
5. A kinda blurry picture of me eating some cool Brazilian meat
6. The 4 elders of San Ramón after Eduardo got the priesthood

Also I forgot to mention that me and Elder Cifuentes are wearing the ties from Laura in the last picture.



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