Monday, March 30, 2020

La Hora Sad

We received this email from Elder Olivier on March 23.

So some of you mightve heard the news already but all the missionaries in mexico that arent from mexico are getting sent home cause of the coronavirus. It´s pretty sad and lots of tears have been shed throughout the whole mission. Out of all the missionaries in México Puebla Sur there´s only about 20 that are actually from Mexico. The other 180 ish are from pretty much every other country on the western hemisphere. You can see the hit list picture I attached at the bottom.

So what´s gonna happen is everyone is gonna go back home, self-quarantine for 14 days, and get reassigned to a mission within their own country. I´m really hoping I get sent Spanish speaking cause I don´t really know how to be a missionary in English haha.

But yeah pretty sad to get ripped out of Puebla so suddenly and I´m hoping I at least get to say goodbye to a lot of my new friends out here. It seems like I think of something I´m gonna miss about here about every two seconds.

I guess the biggest thing we should be focusing on right now is that God has a plan for us and he hasn't and never will forget us. He loves us way more than we can imagine and he knows what we need way better than we do. This is just another part of that plan.

I hope yall are doing great and dont have coronavirus. Apparently this is more than just a flu so stay safe haha.

Elder Olivier
1. The hit list, everyone crossed out is going home

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