Saturday, December 14, 2019

Una familia nueva, un hijo, y unos primos lejanos

We received the following email from Elder Olivier on December 9.

Hey everyone,

Sorry for being really bad at emailing every week. I think it's been like more than a month now but some people told me they missed these so I guess I'm writing again haha. If you think these are annoying at this point then im sorry but I'm not sure if there's a whole lot you can do.

So I got transferred two weeks ago to a different area and I'm training a new kid straight out of the CCM. My kid is from Tampico, Mexico and we're pretty different people but we're getting along.

My new area is super cool. Im out in the middle of the desert and it's really hot every day. In our first week here our water pump broke so we couldn't shower for two days. That was fun. There's not a ton of members in this area, we only have a branch of about 40 active members and a ton of inactives. We've been working really hard to get people back to church though and we're working to turn the branch into a ward.

Another cool thing about this area is that everyone thinks I'm a Mexican. I've met at least 10 people now that looked both me and my companion up and down and went, "so you're both mexican?" So I was really confused the first time that happened and responded something like, "bro, I'm white and blond, I'm definitely not Mexican." But then the guy responded with "oh but your last name is Mexican so I thought you must be Mexican too." So then I was really confused and asked him why he thought my last name is mexican cause I always thought it was French. And then he's like "well there's tons of Oliviers that live here in Ajalpan, one of them lives right down the street."

I was pretty pumped to find that out, I've never met someone with my last name before outside of family so me and my comp ran over there to meet the guy. He was kinda mean and didn't wanna talk to us at all but it's ok it was still really cool.

The people here are super cool though. We met this guy whose son just got baptized and is the only member of the church in the family. The guy was talking to us for a super long time about his whole life story with a ton of challenges and about how his grandma helped him find God. Since then he's had a strong testimony but has never had a real church until his son found the gospel. So we've been talking to him and the missionaries in the area before talked to him too. Last week we asked him if he would like to be baptized. He said "I'll be baptized but under one condition, that after im baptized you come back and help me bring the gospel to more people that need it."

Super spiritual experience and you could really feel it right then that this guy was truly converted.

That's pretty much it for the update though. Today for pday we're going up to Tehuacan to do some city things like eat pizza cause we've been missing the city.

Love you all! And hope you're doing great!
Elder Olivier

1. Me holding a chicken
2. Me being a horrible example for my kid and district by letting my kid hold a gun
3. Some cool mountains that we can see from our roof
4. A cool graffiti painting we found in our area
5. The missionaries and the primary kids after we helped them with the primary program yesterday.




We didn't receive an email on December 2, but were able to speak with Zach and found a few random photos from the recent transfer.

Sunday, December 1, 2019


We received the following email on November 25.

Hey everyone,

That's pretty scary about the infection thing mom but it's good you're alright.

Also that surprise birthday looked pretty cool and also that's crazy Josh is taking his girlfriend home for Christmas haha. I'm definitely pretty bummed I'm missing that haha.

This next transfer is about to be one of the hardest of my life cause president I'm pretty sure president is trying to kill me haha. Right when I got to the training meeting on Saturday he saw new walk into the mission home and was like oh Elder Olivier I need to talk to you and pulled me into his office to call me not only to whitewash train but to be a new district leader as well. I've never been more tempted in my life to deny a calling but I said yes. Then when I was walking out he closed the door again and was like oh and just between you and me the missionaries in your district are pretty interesting so good luck.

So yeah I'm kinda stressed but trying to stay calm haha. I also got transferred to Ignacio Mejia which is way out in the Goma in the middle of nowhere so as Elder DeMaso put it if I absolutely screw this up no one's really gonna notice which is pretty cool.

Anyways I hope you guys are doing well and I'll definitely be praying for you but it might be nice to also get some prayers in return haha.


 Arboledas Zone

Arboledas District

Trainers and Companions