Tuesday, December 14, 2021

La Rosa Photos

Elder Olivier was able to participate in a baptism of a sister from the Dominican Republic on March 27, 2021!

Elder Olivier was able to get permission to attend his brother Joshua's wedding at the Draper LDS Temple on April 23, 2021. Definitely one of the benefits of being assigned to the Salt Lake City Mission.

More Green River

 Icy conditions made for some rough driving. The car was damaged, but the missionaries were okay. 

Ward members gave Elder Olivier this bracelet when they heard he was being transferred. 

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Green River

We received a few photos from Elder Olivier in November and December. In late November he went with a member on a p-day to find fossils. Joanna was baptized on December 15. He also had two other baptisms, one on January 9 and one on January 10 (RJ and Teka). He went ice fishing with a member on a recent p-day at Flaming Gorge and they caught a rainbow trout.  

Wyoming Border

Rock Springs Zone Conference


Sweet Bridge

