Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Todavía en el Nachito Mejía

We received the following email from Elder Olivier on January 20.

Whats up guys its been a while,

I haven´t emailed in a while for a bunch of different reasons and I´ve gotten a ton of comments about it so I guess some people do actually read these things haha.

My comp got transferred and now I´m in a trio for the second time in my mission so that's pretty cool. My new comps are super cool, one is from Mexico City area (its a state that's close to that but I always forget what its called but he also tells people hes from mexico city so I guess its cool) and the other guy is from Idaho. They both speak both English and Spanish pretty well so that´s kinda dope cause we´re pretty free to just switch to whatever language we´re feeling more comfortable in at the moment when we´re in the house. It´s pretty great I´ve gotten really good at just switching languages mid sentence which is fun.

That´s pretty much all the stuff I have to say I think. I have some people I´m teaching that are doing well and we´re getting to know them and they´re awesome. The mission can be pretty exhausting sometimes though but ya bois hanging in there and its all cool.

Hope you all are doing great with everything you´re doing.
Elder Olivier

1. Not sure if I sent that from like a month ago but that´s me and the boys giving out some free ponche in the park for christmas. Ponche is like hot apple cider kind of but better.
2. Me on top of a mountain-ito overlooking my area. It looks like there´s not really anything there and that´s cause there really isn´t that much there. I think it´s a little better than it looks in that picture though.

We also received a few more photos from a P-day excursion to a botanical gardens.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

New Year's Eve

We received the following video from Elder Olivier on New Year's Eve.


We received a few pictures from Elder Olivier around Christmas.

The following pictures are from a zone activity where they were providing free punch in a town square.

The following picture was from a mission Christmas dinner.